organ n. 1.【音乐】(教堂用的)管风琴(=〔美国〕 pipe organ);(足踏)风琴;手摇风琴;口琴。 2.(生物的)器官;人类的发音器官。 3.嗓音(尤指音量;音质说)。;机关;机关报[杂志];喉舌;报刊。 5.【机械工程】元件,机件,工具。 6.〔美军〕编制(=organization)。 a government organ 政府机关报。 state organs 国家机构。 organs of public security 公安机关。 internal organs 内脏。 essential organs 花的雌雄蕊。 have a fine [splendid] organ 嗓子好。 organs of generation [reproduction] 生殖器。 organs of hearing 听觉器官。 organs of smell 嗅觉器官。 organ of speech 发音器官。
The individual whose visual organs , while the above was going on , were at this juncture commencing to exhibit symptoms of animation , was as astute if not astuter than any man living and anybody that conjectured the contrary would have found themselves pretty speedily in the wrong shop 正在发生这些事的当儿,此公两眼开始显露勃勃生机。即使不比别人更敏锐,至少也跟他同样敏锐。任何曾经做过相反推测的人,都会立即发现自己搞错了。